Published: February 27, 2021
There is something that we all learned during the Covid-19 pandemic and it's that we should appreciate our gardens much more. Modern lifestyle detaches us from nature and all the beautiful things that it brings. Most of us are always overwhelmed with everyday obligations and never have enough time to invest in gardening and outdoor activities.
When in 2019 everything stopped because of the pandemic most of our plans were on hold and everything seemed unpredictable. Because of the lockdown, many people were not able to move freely. Suddenly the most valuable thing that you could have at that moment was a private garden or any outdoor space that you can spend time in the fresh air.
Finally, this is the perfect time for a garden makeover, so if you are interested to glow up your outdoor space and spend some quality time outdoors during a lockdown here are some tips for you.
Find online gardening books or classes and learn some new things about nature, sustainability, and plant maintenance. Invest in your knowledge so you will be able to create an outdoor oasis that you and your family can enjoy on a daily basis. Everything that you learn now will be also useful in the future.
Declutter your property, get rid of all unnecessary things that were laying around your garden, and let the whole space breathe. Tide up the shed, clean and sharpen the tools and arrange them in a way that everything is visible and accessible. You will be surprised how bigger the backyard will look and feel without all the mess.
Spending more time at home means bigger production of organic waste. The easy way to create nutritional ‘food’ for your plants is to create a place for composting or buy a compost bin. Why waste all those vegetable peels and eggshells when they can be turned into great plant fertilizer.
Awareness of how important the consumption of organic food is spreading rapidly and people are getting more and more interested in this topic. Create a couple of raised vegetable beds and produce your own fresh and nutrient-packed food without any chemicals. If you are a beginner it is best to start with the crops that are easy to maintain like potatoes, salads, herbs, and onions.
While all the gyms are closed there is still an efficient way to lose weight and gain some muscle while feeling productive around your garden. Painting the fence, arbor, and pots will be a great exercise for your body since you will have to do a lot of squats and lift big paint buckets. All kinds of gardening activities are good for your body, mind, and soul. Don't forget to do some stretching before work, you don't want to get injured!
If you never had enough time to plan your garden now is the perfect moment. With the help of a professional landscape architect possibilities for your garden are endless. It is better to do a thorough plan and think about ideas before doing any kind of construction. A professional landscape plan will save you a lot of money, time, and energy.
All the time that you invest in your garden will pay off, just stay patient and consistent!